Many of our students have sensory needs that are not being met. The good news is, we can adjust to meet them where they are.
Many of our students have sensory needs that are not being met. The good news is, we can adjust to meet them where they are.
The breathing ball has become the staple breathing tool in our school community. You can find a breathing ball in most of our Peace Corners/Amygdala Reset Areas.
Where do you feel the sensation? This activity allows students to process their emotions and the sensations they feel by releasing them from the body, onto a safe container.
Want to know what resources a yoga teacher uses to teach? Here are 3 of favorite books I use to teach yoga.
When I taught Compassion to my students, here’s the definition I gave them: the desire to alleviate suffering of others and yourself. The definition doesn’t work for me if it doesn’t include the last part….”yourself.”
When I think about what the term “deep work” means for me, I think of intentional time I set aside to be with myself. To me, it is a sacred time.